Gambino's Bakery King Cakes
New Orleans, LA
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New Orleans' Favorite King Cake Since 1949
Welcome to New Orleans, cher, where there are three hard-and-fast rules for Mardi Gras: you must beg for your beads, you must take your drink in a go-cup, and you must have a Gambino’s Bakery King Cake. How did the Gambino’s Bakery King Cake become the iconic cake for Mardi Gras? We don’t know. But we do know the bakery opened more than half a century ago. We do know that, year after year, locals and out-of-towners alike, from David Letterman to Oprah Winfrey, order their King Cake from Gambino’s Bakery. And we do know that Mardi Gras would not be Mardi Gras without a sweet purple, green, and gold Gambino’s Bakery King Cake. And that’s enough for us!