Bridgeman's Ice Cream
Woodbury, MN
95% love this shop

Minnesota's Most Beloved Ice Cream Since 1936
In the Midwest, just the mention of Bridgeman's Ice Cream will stir up sweet memories for many. Back in 1883, in Duluth, Minnesota, an enterprising young man named Henry Bridgeman began peddling fresh milk, home to home, from a goat cart. Through hard work, persistence, quality products, and a little luck, his business grew into the largest dairy concern in the Midwest.
In 1936, Henry’s sons, Chester and Roy Bridgeman, decided to strike out on their own and opened the original Bridgeman's Ice Cream Shoppe, and five more locations followed in the next eighteen months. Today, Bridgeman’s Ice Cream is still family-owned, and their traditions of old fashioned hard work and quality ice cream remain the same.